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We encourage research and so, therefore, our findings in the form of articles are up for you to read and enjoy. We are the foundation that seeks to preserve the environment.

[ld_icon_box i_type=”linea” heading_size=”lg” heading_weight=”font-weight-semibold” alignment=”text-left” i_shape=”circle” i_size=”sm” position=”iconbox-side” i_border=”” i_icon_linea=”icon-et-newspaper” title=”COVID-19 AND THE ENVIRONMENT BY KOFI OWUSU GEORGE” i_color=”rgb(255, 255, 255)” shape_hcolor=”rgb(61, 61, 61)” title_mb=”17″]Opinions have been laid bare and I guess imaginations and thinking have been stirred. The linkage between COVID-19 and environmental consequences has been placed on trial. What do you think?  Should the world rejoice or brace up for the aftermath?


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[ld_icon_box i_type=”linea” heading_size=”lg” heading_weight=”font-weight-semibold” alignment=”text-left” i_shape=”circle” i_size=”sm” position=”iconbox-side” i_border=”” i_icon_linea=”icon-et-newspaper” title=”BIODIVERSITY IN AFRICA BY ROTIMI OBATERU” i_color=”rgb(255, 255, 255)” shape_hcolor=”rgb(61, 61, 61)” title_mb=”17″]Do you know when we make an effort to conserve biodiversity, we are helping to maintain critical global biological resources to meet our needs today as well as those of future generations?


[ld_button style=”btn-solid” title=”Download Article” color=”rgb(80, 199, 48)” text_color=”rgb(255, 255, 255)” link=”||target:%20_blank|”]
[ld_icon_box i_type=”linea” heading_size=”lg” heading_weight=”font-weight-semibold” alignment=”text-left” i_shape=”circle” i_size=”sm” position=”iconbox-side” i_border=”” i_icon_linea=”icon-et-newspaper” title=”CLIMATE CHANGE ‘TRIDENT SOLUTION THEORY’ BY MOFE A. MENE” i_color=”rgb(255, 255, 255)” shape_hcolor=”rgb(61, 61, 61)” title_mb=”17″]It is quite unfortunate that the COVID-19 pandemic currently ravaging the world has led to an
unforeseen drop in carbon emissions in major cities, e.g. Italy (Florence), India (New Delhi and
Mumbai), USA (New York, Los Angeles).[/ld_icon_box]
[ld_button style=”btn-solid” title=”Download Article” color=”rgb(80, 199, 48)” text_color=”rgb(255, 255, 255)” link=”||target:%20_blank|”]
[ld_icon_box i_type=”linea” heading_size=”lg” heading_weight=”font-weight-semibold” alignment=”text-left” i_shape=”circle” i_size=”sm” position=”iconbox-side” i_border=”” i_icon_linea=”icon-et-newspaper” title=”Waste Management” i_color=”rgb(255, 255, 255)” shape_hcolor=”rgb(61, 61, 61)” title_mb=”17″]May 2019

Indulge in this beautiful article on Waste Management written by the Chairman of EETFoundation and MD, Alluvia Unique Concepts LTD. Kindly download, read and send us your feedback



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