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Ever felt like waste can be better disposed of? Better used? Well it can be better used through recycling as waste is a resource. Solid waste can be used to boost your country’s economy as well as benefit the environment. Below are some benefits of recycling to the environments.

How Recycling Benefits the Environment

  • Saves yards of dumpsite Space

Waste is disposed of in the dumpsites which causes a number of environmental problems for future generations. Not all the solid waste that is dumped in dumpsites is biodegradable. Even waste that takes a long time to decompose will cause environmental problems as it can emit greenhouse gases or toxic substances that are really harmful to the environment and the people working around these places. Choosing to recycle materials like paper, aluminum cans, cardboard, scrap metal, plastic, etc., means you are keeping them away from landfills.

  • Conserves Energy

Recycled products saves energy and raw materials as compared to making new products.

  • Recycling protects ecosystems and wildlife

Recycling reduces the need to grow, harvest or extract new raw materials from the Earth. That in turn lessens the harmful disruption and damage being done to the natural world: fewer forests cut down, rivers diverted, wild animals harmed or displaced, and less pollution of water, soil and air

  • Pollution is reduced

When you dump waste in landfills, it will start emitting greenhouse gases when it begins to rot. These greenhouse gases pollute the environment and attract insects, flies and bugs. When you recycle the waste instead of sending it to the landfills, you are directly reducing the pollution. Further, recycling various products leads to less carbon emissions, reducing the carbon footprint of that product.

  • Raises overall environmental consciousness

Even if one homeowner starts recycling and eventually graduates to composting or using alternative energy by installing solar panels, etc., the others may follow his/her lead. This will eventually raise the overall environmental consciousness. You can offer to pick up recyclables on the curbside. It may seem like a small step but eventually it will add up to something substantial and have a positive effect on the environment.

How waste benefits the economy

  • Recycling contributes to the development of a circular economy

Recycling contributes to circular economy where everything is a resource rather than waste.

  • Saves money

Recycling and using recycled products will help you save money. For example you can sell your recyclable waste to recycling companies. This means recycling can definitely put some money in your pockets when you don’t opt to dispose it. Lambeth council in London pointed out in 2017 that “it is 6 times cheaper to dispose of recycled waste than general refuse”. So the more you recycle, and the less you put in the bin, the more money is saved, which should be good for households, businesses and public services.

  • Creates Jobs and Supports the Local Community

Recycling creates several job opportunities in any community. A number of people can find jobs in the recycling sector, and in places where recycled products and recycling-related materials are produced. This sector is ripe with work opportunities for middle-class people and those with limited education. Jobs in recycling are also known as green jobs due to the positive impact they have on the environment.

When materials are recycled locally, it means more jobs for people who are paid to process recycled materials. This boosts your local economy and creates a better future for all. Your recycling efforts also create new businesses like collection, transportation, processing, manufacturing, packaging and selling of recycled products, paving the way for a greener future.

  • Recycling contributes to Tourism

Recycling can boost the tourism industry of countries. A clean environment is welcoming and initiating creative/innovative ways of managing waste would attract environmental enthusiasts around the world. This influx of tourist would also contribute to foreign exchange of a country.

  • Recycling encourages innovation

Recycling encourages people to think outside the box. It presents an avenue for people to express their creativity. The saying that necessity is mother of all innovation in apt here. Seeing the effect of improper disposal of waste, recycling offers an avenue for innovation in dealing with this menace.

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